Special Places

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Special Places


Icons woven in to represent special trips and travel memories. The Hermione de Paula atelier has woven symbols of Santorini, and the Eiffel Tower, to embroidered representations of celebrating New Years in Hangzhou and good times in the Rocky Mountains

Latitude & Longitude of Love

Geographic coordinates of significant places

Home is Where the Heart Is

Iconic symbols for your family home or for where fiancé is from, such as the Vegreville Pysanka, The Statue of Liberty, Big Ben or Mount Fuji

Special Postcodes

Postcodes from where you met, the first house you lived in or bought together, or where you dream to move in the future. Postcodes can also be woven in to symbolise missed loved ones

“I DO”

Wedding & engagement venues woven into your gown. Take a look below at some special places the Hermione de Paula atelier has woven in – from St. Ives, South Africa, to Blackberry Farm, USA

"So decorative you could imagine displaying it in your home as an art piece, as well as wearing it"

I-D Magazine
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